Friday, December 30, 2011

DIY Laundry Detergent and Household Cleaners

Ok, as anyone that knows me will attest, I am no hippy-I use AquaNet without shame, and gleefully consume dead animals. However, I am cheap and fiercely independent, and self sufficiency is highly appealing to me, so I recently began making all my own household cleaning products, including laundry detergent. The added bonus is that, yes, they are all natural, so my 2 year old son could polish off an entire bottle of my window cleaner unharmed. They are all surprisingly effective, if not better than chemically store bought crap. Several friends have requested recipes, so here goes:

1) Laundry Soap

So, each batch lasts my family of 5 about 8 wks, and we do a ton of laundry. It costs about $4.00 a batch to make, so you can see the instant cost saving appeal. Plus, you customize the scent with fresh herbs and essential oils (I use rosemary from my garden and lavender essential oil, but you can use whatever you want-thyme, bergamot, sandlewood, etc), which I really love.

You will need:

  • 2 cups grated plain bar soap ( I use Ivory-it usually takes about 2 bars. An 8 year old for grating labor also comes in handy)

  • 4-6 sprigs fresh herb of choice

  • essential oil (10-20 drops)

  • 2 cups Borax

  • 2 cups washing soda (Both borax and washing soda can be found at Ace hardware, and most grocery stores)

  • A large pail with 2 gallons water already in it

Bring 4 1/2 cups water to a boil in a large-ish pot. Add soap, stirring until it dissolves. Add herbs, Borax, and washing soda, stirring until blended and well dissolved. Pour mixture into the bucket with the 2 gallons of water, then stir vigorously. Allow to sit overnight, then stir and strain into containers in the morning-I use large tupperware canisters and old Tide containers. Stir a bit before each use, as it can get a bit thick. Use 1/2 to 1 cup per load, depending on size. Your laundry will smell delicious!

2) Glass Cleaner

  • 1 cup distilled white vinegar

  • 2 cups water

  • 1/2 tsp dish soap

  • 10-15 drops essential oil ( I like lemongrass for cleaning products-smells fresh and clean!)

  • 0ne drop blue food coloring (optional, but it feels more authentic)

Shake all together in a spray bottle-Voila!

3) Disinfectant- straight hydrogen peroxide in a spray bottle, a drop of pink food coloring and some essential oil-so simple

4) All Purpose Cleaner-

  • 1 tsp washing soda

  • 1/2 tsp liquid castille soap

  • 1/2 cup vinegar

  • 2 cups hot water

  • essentail oil

  • one drop green food coloring

Okay, this one gets a little science experiment-y because a reaction takes place initially with the washing soda &vinegar, so do it in a sink. Add washing soda and castille soap to spray bottle. Add 1/2 cup vinegar, let it fizz up and freak out a bit, then add two cups hot water. Add essential oil, and food coloring. Done!

5) Softscrub-just mix baking soda and liquid soap.

To clean toilets, baking soda and vinegar is a great combo, though I still periodically use bleach to go nuclear on any lingering germs.

None of this is very time consuming, and it saves a ton of money. My next mission: homemade cleansers and skincare!!