You will need:
- 2 cups grated plain bar soap ( I use Ivory-it usually takes about 2 bars. An 8 year old for grating labor also comes in handy)
- 4-6 sprigs fresh herb of choice
- essential oil (10-20 drops)
- 2 cups Borax
- 2 cups washing soda (Both borax and washing soda can be found at Ace hardware, and most grocery stores)
- A large pail with 2 gallons water already in it
Bring 4 1/2 cups water to a boil in a large-ish pot. Add soap, stirring until it dissolves. Add herbs, Borax, and washing soda, stirring until blended and well dissolved. Pour mixture into the bucket with the 2 gallons of water, then stir vigorously. Allow to sit overnight, then stir and strain into containers in the morning-I use large tupperware canisters and old Tide containers. Stir a bit before each use, as it can get a bit thick. Use 1/2 to 1 cup per load, depending on size. Your laundry will smell delicious!
2) Glass Cleaner
- 1 cup distilled white vinegar
- 2 cups water
- 1/2 tsp dish soap
- 10-15 drops essential oil ( I like lemongrass for cleaning products-smells fresh and clean!)
- 0ne drop blue food coloring (optional, but it feels more authentic)
Shake all together in a spray bottle-Voila!
3) Disinfectant- straight hydrogen peroxide in a spray bottle, a drop of pink food coloring and some essential oil-so simple
4) All Purpose Cleaner-
- 1 tsp washing soda
- 1/2 tsp liquid castille soap
- 1/2 cup vinegar
- 2 cups hot water
- essentail oil
- one drop green food coloring
Okay, this one gets a little science experiment-y because a reaction takes place initially with the washing soda &vinegar, so do it in a sink. Add washing soda and castille soap to spray bottle. Add 1/2 cup vinegar, let it fizz up and freak out a bit, then add two cups hot water. Add essential oil, and food coloring. Done!
5) Softscrub-just mix baking soda and liquid soap.
To clean toilets, baking soda and vinegar is a great combo, though I still periodically use bleach to go nuclear on any lingering germs.
None of this is very time consuming, and it saves a ton of money. My next mission: homemade cleansers and skincare!!