Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Healthcare Hijinx

There's nothing quite like watching sensible shoe wearing, sexless haircut having, post babyboomer AARPers foam at the mouth and scream and fight like drug addled anarchists over the proposed new healthcare plans from congress. Middle aged moms with names like Trudie and Pat have thrown all decorum out the door to lambast their representatives about "freedom" and the "socialism". It's high comedy to say the least, especially when you consider the ludicrous propaganda fueling their ire. That anyone believes for a minute that we will have "death panels", or euthanasia for the elderly just demonstrates how ignorant a decent chunk of Americans have become. That said, I don't support the healthcare plan either. I voted for Obama, but if this passes, it just may be the nail in his political coffin. Here's why: it screws the moderate middle class that helped cinch this election for him. The benefits in no way outweigh the gargantuan costs. It's more of the same backscratching drivel, leftie style this time. Any legislation that doesn't address the staggering costs of malpractice insurance due to lawsuit abuse isn't worth the paper it's written on. Torte (lawsuit) reform would prevent the ridiculous practice of defensive medicine, where doctors order numerous expensive unecessary tests to prevent liability in the event of a lawsuit. Yet no one in Washington is talking seriously about any real lawsuit reform. Do you know why? Because we continue to elect a bunch of lawyers on both the left and right to represent our interests. Obama's plan is going to drive up costs for folks who pay for their own insurance and small businesses that provide it to employees in two ways: 1) by potentially taxing employer based benefits as income, and 2) by requiring insurers to provide coverage regardless of preexisting conditions, to which insurers will respond by dramtically raising their rates. Rich people can shoulder this extra burden without much distress, but a working family like mine will have our backs broken by it. The way the momsta sees it, there are only two ways to fix our healthcare problem. The first is to bite the bullet and switch to a governement sponsored single payer system, as healthcare for profit is an intrisically BAD IDEA. Given our population size and ideology as a country, however, this option is damn near impossible. The next option is to take 4 crucial steps. The first step is to dramatically restrict malpractice lawsuits, thereby making malpractice insurance all but unnecessary. The second step is two provide significant tax incentives to insurers for providing low cost coverage to those with preexisting conditions, costs that would be regulated by a government body. The third step is to require insurers to provide insurance on an income based sliding scale, which would be subsidized by the government. The cost for this would be offset by taxing the hell out of unhealthy crap like soda, junk food, and cigarettes. The cost benefit of that is twofold. Lastly, we need to create incentive for healthy preventative lifestyle choices. Insurance discounts for being gym members, for having a low BMI, for being a nonsmoker etc. How, you ask, does this provide coverage to the millions of uninsured who claim not to be able to afford it? On the sliding scale system, those iwth no income at all would be exempt from paying. Others would pay according to what they could afford based on income. This is far more cost efficient the our current medicare or medicaid system. It doesn't make sense that seniors with hefty pensions and IRA's get the same benefits as those living off of social security. It still allows for healthcare to remain a free market industry, just with far more extensive goverment regulation and involvement. Let's call it a compromise. And p.s.-if there were going to be a death panel, it would be based on severity of hairstyle, not age : )

1 comment:

  1. You seem to know what you are talking about!

    Peace and Love
